Excerpt of lyrics from I Have a New Name, by Hosanna Wong For full lyrics and spoken word video, visit hosannawong.com.
God spends a lot of time in the Bible telling us who we are It's almost as if He knew that we Would doubt who that was from time to time It's as if He saw it coming that we'd spend our whole Lives searching for what our identity, what our real name was And that there'd be many moments in our lives Where we'd let different kinds of names define us
When we've heard the name "Ugly" "Unworthy" "Forgotten" "Rejected" "impure" We hear "garbage" "addict" "forever broken" we hear "second place" "lonely" "disgusting" It's overwhelming These voices we're constantly hearing It's suffocating, this air of constant critique and comparing
I’m going back to the source Not the people I’ve allowed to represent God to me But the actual, literal Tangible words that He has written down for me And there’s some other names He’s given to me
John 15:15 He calls me “FRIEND” 1 Thessalonians 1:4 He calls me “CHOSEN” Ephesians 2:10 He calls me His “WORKMANSHIP” He calls me His “ART ” He calls me “HAND-MADE” He calls me “PURPOSED” and “FASHIONED FOR GOOD THINGS ” Corinthians 6:19 He calls my body “A TEMPLE” He calls it “THE RESIDENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ” Acts1:8 He calls me His “MESSENGER TO THE WORLD” Galatians 3:26 He calls me His “CHILD” Romans 5:8 He calls me “GREATLY LOVED” John 8:36 He calls me “FREE, FREE INDEED” 2 Corinthians 5:17 He calls me “BRAND NEW”
And it’s amazing how different these names Are from the names I’m used to listening to And in my journey to discover who I really am In my battle to uncover the truths of Myself, I’ve learned something new about my name And now, this is what I am certain of My name is not the name the world calls me My name is not the name my past calls me My name is not even the name my own mirror calls me But my name, my name is the name I answer to And I can choose today from this Moment forward to answer to a NEW NAME